
Past Events

Info Session for Senior Grad Night

2/11/2025 Tuesday 7:30pm

Students and Families of Seniors

There will be an information meeting on Tuesday, February 11 at 7:30pm for all students (and their families) planning on attending Senior Grad Night. 

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 1396 1532

One tap mobile +16694449171,,86113961532# US +16699006833,,86113961532# US (San Jose)

To sign up or for more info, visit the Senior Grad Night page.

Planning for Junior Year - Info Session for Current 10th Graders

1/14/2025 Tuesday 7:30pm

Join us Tuesday, January 14th at 7:30pm for this virtual event. This is open to all 10th grade families to get insight into what 11th grade will be like and how to help your student prepare. We’ll have representation from the Math, Science, and Counseling departments!

Watch the video of the meeting on YouTube or on Zoom using the link and passcode below:

Passcode: &k11bGLy

Our First Vikings Potluck

Friday, November 15, 6:30pm Mills Cafeteria

What an amazing first Vikings Potluck! Thank you Dragon Team, Latino Mentor Program, and our talented singers, dancers, and musicians from the Mills Music Program. It was a night filled with good food, good company, and good entertainment!

In Service of the Mills Community,

Joy Pasamonte Henry

President, Mills PTO

8th Grade Family Night

10/30/2024 Wednesday 6:30pm-8:00pm Mills Auditorium

Please join us on Wednesday, October 30 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the MHS Auditorium. This is a great opportunity for potential students and families to visit Mills, meet faculty, and learn about our programs. Visit here for more information.

Join the PTO for a casual parent/guardian check-in

10/29/2024 Tuesday 7:30pm

Raising teens is hard.  It takes a village!  Join the PTO for a casual virtual conversation on Tuesday, October 29, 7:30pm where we can share things things that are coming up for you, your student, or both.  Other parents/guardians may have ideas or resources that you may not have thought about.

Come with your favorite cup of tea, coffee, or cocoa.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 1396 1532 

One tap mobile

+16694449171,,86113961532# US

+16699006833,,86113961532# US (San Jose)

Parent Education Night - UCLA

10/16/2024  Wed 7:30pm-8:30pm in Mills Auditorium

Featuring Gary Clark, Vice Chancellor / UCLA Admissions Director.


9/24/2024 Tuesday 7:30pm

Join us for an informative meeting with a former Mills student and key teachers and staff who will help us uncover some tips and tricks that will help you and you student survive (and thrive!) this freshman year and beyond!

Watch the video of the meeting on YouTube or on Zoom using the link and passcode below:

Passcode: 1K**kp4N